A digital analysis of Haverford College’s Queer Special Collections

The Archive Encounter project was originally a response to “Queer Haverford: Those Who Came Before,” a physical exhibition curated by George Allan ‘24 that was shown in Lutnick Library in the fall of 2023. His work has has lived on in altered form, much like the queer community here. This page contains pieces written by Haverford College undergraduates enrolled in a first-year writing seminar entitled “Through the Looking Glass: Ancient Sexualities and Modern Queer Politics,” designed and taught by Professor Ryan Warwick. The students examined diaries, magazines, and more from past LGBTQ+ organizations housed within the Quaker and Special Collections Library at the college. Formulating emotional, analytical, and historical responses to the archives, the students then uploaded their writings, drawings, and diagrams to this page. The purpose of this project is to connect students with the immediate past of this place where we think, examining how queer students have navigated the challenges of the last century and imagining about what challenges may come next.

